Now and again (actually very occasionally)Valentines Day falls on Ash Wednesday This is one of those years and it got me thinking that, although at first glance the two may seem totally unrelated, actually Valentines Day can help us observe Lent in the right spirit. Valentine's Day celebrates the love one person has for another and although this can range from a schoolboy crush to the mature love of a long married couple there is a common theme. The 'secret' identity of the giver of the Valentine Card not only adds an air of mystery and excitement, but it also, if properly observed, means that it is offered expecting nothing in return. At heart it is altruistic. We usually approach Lent as a season when we give things up, a time of sacrifice and penance as we walk with Jesus on the road to Jerusalem and his death for us. It is in foregoing some of our normal habits and luxuries that we become more conscious of what...
stillpoint is an offering and a space for busy people doing life and faith. A 5 minute read will hopefully stimulate thought and reflection on how the ordinary details of life can be shot through with wonder and significance. For folk within church, and those getting by perfectly fine without, there should be something here for all of you. After all, we only have this "one, wild, wonderful life" so let's celebrate it.