This Advent I'm exploring ways in which Jesus came to his Temple and he was not what people expected. Jesus came to the Temple twice in the last week of his life. In Matthew 21:12-15 we find Jesus indignant at the way the temple had become a place of changing money and selling goods, albeit in the name of religion. He turns the stalls over and chases the money lenders and others out crying out 'my house will be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of robbers'. Just as the Jews had been waiting for a long time, so too we can be waiting, but in our waiting things can drift. There were (semi) good reasons for the money changers and the sellers of doves to be there, to facilitate the sacrifices and offerings of people. Over time though a religious habit had become so entrenched that it actually took away from what worship of Yahweh was about. It could be time for us to look at ways that some of our religious ...
stillpoint is an offering and a space for busy people doing life and faith. A 5 minute read will hopefully stimulate thought and reflection on how the ordinary details of life can be shot through with wonder and significance. For folk within church, and those getting by perfectly fine without, there should be something here for all of you. After all, we only have this "one, wild, wonderful life" so let's celebrate it.