A non-anxious presence. Someone once said that life is what happens to you when you plan something else. This has never been more true! We all feel anxious at this time of uncertainty. It is very natural as individuals and families but also for employers, anyone working in the NHS and of course the Government. It is unavoidable, but how can we live with it in a way that is healthy ? Here is just one idea…we may look at others over the coming weeks. A few days ago I heard this definition of anxiety in a talk: Anxiety is grasping for control of what we do not have in the future. . I think we can be rightfully concerned, and especially NHS staff coming into work and not knowing if the right equipment will be there have every right to be concerned. But to be anxious leaves us feeling depleted and powerless and achieves nothing in itself. We need to do all we can do but if there’s no further ...
stillpoint is an offering and a space for busy people doing life and faith. A 5 minute read will hopefully stimulate thought and reflection on how the ordinary details of life can be shot through with wonder and significance. For folk within church, and those getting by perfectly fine without, there should be something here for all of you. After all, we only have this "one, wild, wonderful life" so let's celebrate it.